At Scale Brings Your Organization the Direct Voter Contact Growth it Needs

We leverage our vast operations infrastructure and knowledge to build you a face-to-face program quickly and effectively.

  • Recruitment and Supplies
  • Training and Cutting Turf
  • Shift Preparation and Supervision
  • Data Management

We are Campaigning Gurus Who are here to Assist You in Winning

At Scale develops professional field and outreach programs that target, convince, and mobilize people in the most cost-effective way possible. Modern approaches include harnessing the newest technology, finding prominent community members, and cultivating volunteers as essential tools for campaigns to garner the most votes.

  • Field Programs

    We've managed field operations for significant and small campaigns around the country. We can help you with planning and budgeting, petition collection, paid canvass recruitment, quality control, and payroll for your field campaigns.

  • Grassroots Engagement

    Successful campaigns communicate and engage with the community. To help you win, we can assist in communicating with each and every local group.

  • General Campaign Management

    We are here to help you win. At Scale has a solution for you, whether you need communication, organization, or operational support.

  • Data and Analytics

    Successful campaigns track and analyze data. Our data analysis team will assist your campaign with broad targeting and strategic planning.

Signature Collection Capacity & Infrastructure

We approach circulator recruitment by reaching beyond the active job-seeking pool to include a robust face-to-face ladder of engagement tactic.

We identify and screen qualified applicants. Once we reach capacity, we continue to recruit to improve quality and culture.

  • Verbal Confirmation: Circulators are trained to ask individuals if they are registered in their state and county.
  • Canvassers/Circulators are connected to SmartVAN which allows them to assist voters with registration information and activist codes.
  • Office Verification (full-time and hourly support staff): Office Staff will review the signatures of each circulator’s collection. A random sample will be called to confirm the signed petition. 
  • Final Check and Submission Preparation: The Compliance Manager will review and audit the hard copies of each petition after collection.

We Build Tailored Programs for Your Success

We work with your team to evaluate goals, benchmarks, and current capacity to create a customized program that fills the gap and makes a difference.

Lobbying lawmakers are often better served when you can demonstrate tangible local support through signature collection. No matter why you need the signatures, At Scale will help you build an individual program to help you put names on paper.

Lowering Cost

At Scale brings you affordable, high-quality solutions needed to avoid being supplemented with contractors or employees.

All-in-One Assistance

We know the hundreds of tasks that comprise the lift so most of our time can be taken off the logistical problems and placed on the quality of the program

We Can Help You Grow, Let’s Work Together!

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